Get instant updates on dangerous spots based on your location as you drive.
We have a large community of contributers that keep the platform updated.
Accidents are reported in 4 easy steps. Location, time, photos and review.
What SafeHiWay is all about/the concept.
SafeHiWay is an app to proactively keep road users safe.
We believe that accidents happen for a reason and therefore the probability of an accident occurring in an area that had an accident before is high. We aim to prevent an accident from occurring again by alerting drivers when they are within a vicinity of black spots.
We achieve this by collecting data on accidents eg GPS location, date, time, photos etc from all over the world.
Using the SafeHiWay app, we are able to bring this data to your hands. This happens by tracking your location and notifying you of black spots 2 km ahead.
Android app available on the Google Play Store
Take a peek into the SafeHiWay app
"Prevention is better than cure..."
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